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Real life Love story :-faizul Hasan Qadri

Faizul Hasan is famous for his love for his wife and memory of her wife he built a mini -tajmahal.

Faizul Hasan Qadri and her wife live in, Up, bulundsehar.
The faizul and his wife got married in 1953.
After she died in 2011 he started built a replica of tajmahal for the memory of his wife .
He spent Rs 14 Lakhs to built the Taj mahal.but at last he is short of money .

The U.p government has helping him to complete.he and her wife doesn't have children.he promise his wife that he built a beautiful mausoleum.and when she died he make a tomb for his love of a life.Just like Shahjahan .

But the Qadri has died in the road accident in 2018.he was 83 years old.and now the project in the hands of U.P government.


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