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Swaraj Laxmi :- Jija bai.

                  Jija bai (1594 -1674)
Jija bai born in 1594 in the town of sindhkhed in Maharashtra. Her father is Lakhuji rao ,her mother was malasa bai.

Her father was the Maratha sardar and a noble man .her father served to nizamshahi of Ahmednagar and was proud of his high position and status.

Marriage came very Early in Jijabai life and she got married to shahji raje bhosale.he was the son of maloji shiledar.Although the couple lives happily married life .There was enemity brewed in the family members .The growing ill felling of Jijabai father and shahji that tore Jijabai Apart.she has to choose between her father and husband .her father left the kingdom to join the force of Mughal in delhi.shahji was against to this.jijabai remained with her husband at the fort of shivneri ,devotedly standing by his side.

Shahji and Jija bai together has 8 children 6 Girls 2 boys .shivaji is being one of them is Shivaji.
Shivaji grew up to become the founder of the Maratha Empire .

Jijabai was know to be influential and determined woman ,who was an embodiment to self respect and virtue .

  Jija bai  is a warrior .she passed down her quality traits to the growing shivaji.and instilled within him a sense of duty ,courage to overcome to any hardship and under the guidance of jijamata ,shivaji developed within a human touch and a great Respect for all women religious and along to love his country.

Jijamata dedicated her life for gewing up shivaji who become the greatest ruler of Maratha Empire.who will give the new way to not only Maharashtra but also the whole world.

After Jijabai become the queen .she moved to Pune ,with shivaji .In Jijabai life is innumerable tragic,painful,she silently bore them.death of shahji brought her life into sorrow.her elder son Sambhaji Raje has also died by Aafzal khan.whose revenge  taken by shivaji by the blessings of jijamata.

Jija mata also know as Rajmata or matoshree to love and affection of the people of Maratha Empire.

Jijamata is not only pride of Maharashtra but whole india .she is the idol of women empowerment.


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